вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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By: Gerri L. Elder

It is a fact that children and teenagers do not have the capacity for reasoning that adults have. There is good reason that juvenile courts were established, and this is one of those very reasons. Yet in many cases we see that teenagers are tried as adults anyway, without the blanket of rehabilitation services and anonymity that the juvenile court provides.

The Quad-City Times reports that a teen in Illinois has made an error in judgment. Thatapos;s not big news, kids pull ridiculous stunts all the time. This child is now charged with two felonies though, and will face the punishment of an adult criminal court for a bold prank that went all wrong.

An off-duty deputy and his wife were the unfortunate targets of the teenapos;s elaborate joke. On January 20 the deputy and his wife were in their car shortly after midnight when they saw flashing lights in the rearview mirror. To someone who was not in law enforcement, it may have seemed that they were being pulled over by an undercover police vehicle. However, the deputy knew that it was not an undercover officer and so he dialed 911 from his car and did not pull over for the flashing lights.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Well, Iapos;ve come to a descision

Iapos;m going to get rid of just about EVERY VHS tape I own. Movies recordable tapes.

I figure it this way...
VHS is practically out No one sells them except on 99 cent clearance sales.
Most of the movies I have replaced on DVD, and the ones I havenapos;t, are at least available on DVD. I can get eventually buy or download later.
I donapos;t own a VCR any longer... And I have dozens upon dozens of blank tapes I havenapos;t touched in ages.
So, Iapos;m going to go through all my apos;recordableapos; VHS, and the only ones I want to keep will be anything I taped of my family, and from college.
The rest... Well... Unless someone out there would like some blank VHS tapes, Iapos;m just going to drop them at a apos;Good Willapos; or apos;Sally-Anapos;.

Iapos;ve put up my apos;moviesapos; on eBay, but if they donapos;t sell, the offer is here if anyone wants anything.
But I honestly donapos;t see any biters. Especially the younger crowd who are coming up into the next wave of technology.
Frankly, I donapos;t see DVD, (or even Blue-ray for that matter) going another 10 years.
My personal feeling, is that everything is going to become downloadable.
Already, with things like apos;torrentsapos; movies and tv shows are just far too accessible.

So, even though I hate to part with much of this, itapos;ll make more space, and itapos;s one less thing to be cluttering up my life.

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I need to find more geeks in london and build myself an entourage.

London is a rough place for us, weapos;re pretty alienated. Maybe iapos;ll stop by head2head games or the comic book shop and randomly introduce myself to people, haha.

When i try to make friends with fashionistas, popular kids, artists, scenesters ... Iapos;m usually given the snob treatment. :/ Itapos;s really lame. Youapos;d think people would get over highschool, but iapos;m always surprised.

In california it really wasnapos;t like that for me. Most people regardless of frivolous shit would at least talk to me. Iapos;m not sure why itapos;s so different here, but I feel like london has been unfair to me all my life. Iapos;m a nice kid who likes pretty much everyone, so I donapos;t think i should have ever struggled with friends just because Iapos;m a goof who plays Zelda.

And now that iapos;ve grown into a geek that has the confidence to speak, iapos;m judged harsh. Itapos;s like iapos;m a leper or something. I donapos;t get it, but i refuse to change. In my experience traveling iapos;ve discovered itapos;s definitely London people who are fucked up, not me.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I had a super great weekend. I went camping with Tim, and Kaif and Russ. It was fabulous to go back to the grove, it made me feel so connected to... Something bigger than me. It was great and beautiful. It was gorgeous and perfect weather. I also got drunk for the first time ever. So not as fun as I thought it would be, not that I would never do it again or that it wasnapos;t fun (because it certainly was fun) it was just not terribly exciting. I can be that silly all on my own and not get dizzy. But I entertained the people I was with because apparently Iapos;m a really cute drunk.

Then I went apple picking with family which was great. My brother and I are actually getting along really well. We bought pumpkins and he decided that he is going to carve the Obama logo into his pumpkin which is cool.

Kira is so very happy

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Turning 40 is a milestone in oneapos;s life. Iapos;ve always tried to look at age as if itapos;s just a number. Not making a big deal about that number has been how Iapos;ve handled it most of my life. Tonight I�spend the last few hours of being in my 30apos;s pondering why does it feel like that number weighs a ton? I�turn 40 tomorrow. How have I�spent my life so far? Am I happy with how itapos;s going? What am I doing right? What am I doing wrong? Lots of things are going through my mind at one time. Questions, answers, fleeting thoughts that flutter through my head like a butterfly and others that feel like they have the weight of an elephant attached to them.
The first and foremost question is the most obvious... Am I�happy with where Iapos;ve landed in my life so far?
All in all, yes. Iapos;ve managed to stay married to the same man for over 21 years. Iapos;ve successfully raised a beautiful and smart young lady that has�exceeded ALL�my expectations. I�have a secure roof over my head in the manner of my own home complete with a 30 year mortgage that I�have only 17 years more to pay on and itapos;s truly mine.
My relationship with my husband is at the best itapos;s ever been

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I was taking a short nap.

My phone rings, which stirs me. I pick up the phone.

"Good evening�Sir, this is Laura," says�some female on the other line who identifies herself as Laura.

"Hello......?....."�I reply groggily.

"Yeah hi this is Laura from Travel Asia. I would like to do a very short survey with you over the phone, will take about a minute."�Laura said, obviously not asking for my consent.

"Oh no itapos;s ok, thank you,"�I try to put a smile into the voice, as is the polite thing to do when talking on the phone.

Somewhere between "ok" and "thank", Laura slammed down the phone on me, leaving me shell-shocked and�jolted me�from the grogginess.

Apart from�lightning-quick reflexes,�Laura�also has an appalling lack of manners.

I make a mental note that in future dealings with telemarketers, a�curt "No" shall suffice.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I know you all must have seen the post I was forced to post due to the over abundance of under aged ones wanting to join our site.

Although we ALL have sympathy for those younger ones in our predicament we CANNOT under any circumstances allow them to join this community of ours out of pity.

We are all of a certain age desperate to find our PEERS to support us.
If we succumb to the sympathy we feel for the younger ones to join we will loose what we are fighting to make happen here.
If we give in to someone even 1 year shy of our age limit we will end up with nothing but teenagers like the other sites.
I saw� it happening within one DAY
We went from 25 and up to 19...see how easily it can be manipulated?
What we have started is SO�SPECIAL to me...and to you too, I know.

Thank you for your support and understanding of our rules.
If you do find a sweet young person in need of support, please send them to the 18+ or 21+ sites that are available to them via LJ Dylan.

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