вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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By: Gerri L. Elder

It is a fact that children and teenagers do not have the capacity for reasoning that adults have. There is good reason that juvenile courts were established, and this is one of those very reasons. Yet in many cases we see that teenagers are tried as adults anyway, without the blanket of rehabilitation services and anonymity that the juvenile court provides.

The Quad-City Times reports that a teen in Illinois has made an error in judgment. Thatapos;s not big news, kids pull ridiculous stunts all the time. This child is now charged with two felonies though, and will face the punishment of an adult criminal court for a bold prank that went all wrong.

An off-duty deputy and his wife were the unfortunate targets of the teenapos;s elaborate joke. On January 20 the deputy and his wife were in their car shortly after midnight when they saw flashing lights in the rearview mirror. To someone who was not in law enforcement, it may have seemed that they were being pulled over by an undercover police vehicle. However, the deputy knew that it was not an undercover officer and so he dialed 911 from his car and did not pull over for the flashing lights.

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