суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

asulfadine drug

I was taking a short nap.

My phone rings, which stirs me. I pick up the phone.

"Good evening�Sir, this is Laura," says�some female on the other line who identifies herself as Laura.

"Hello......?....."�I reply groggily.

"Yeah hi this is Laura from Travel Asia. I would like to do a very short survey with you over the phone, will take about a minute."�Laura said, obviously not asking for my consent.

"Oh no itapos;s ok, thank you,"�I try to put a smile into the voice, as is the polite thing to do when talking on the phone.

Somewhere between "ok" and "thank", Laura slammed down the phone on me, leaving me shell-shocked and�jolted me�from the grogginess.

Apart from�lightning-quick reflexes,�Laura�also has an appalling lack of manners.

I make a mental note that in future dealings with telemarketers, a�curt "No" shall suffice.
asulfadine drug, asulfadine arthritis, asulfadine, asulam.

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